Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Movie Trailer Critique


Describe the project, your teammates & your Trailer Plan document… Tell us how you contributed.

My project was to make a creative movie trailer based upon stories we wrote, while keeping it interesting and suitable for all audiences. My team was Russell, Michael, and I, and we did Michael's story called "Amnesia", but it wasn't kid-friendly so we took out a large portion of his story and ended up renaming it "Forgiveness", and we did a trailer of that. Our trailer plan document was done fairly well, and we filled in all of the blanks. I contributed with filming, acting, documenting, I did all of the jobs, and participated considerably, but there's no way I could have done any of it without Russell or Michael, so credit to them.

What were the project requirements & did you complete all of them? Why or why not?

The project required us to have at least 1:30 minutes of video, showing a story, B-Roll, audio, dialogue, text layovers, effects, our movie title, and a movie poster advertising the movie. I completed them all because I extremely wanted to get a good grade. Our project didn't turn out just how I had planned, and some things definitely could have been improved, I wasn't very satisfied, but it turned out alright.

Conclude by describing the class critique & if you agree with the results. What did you learn?

My class's critique on ours said that we got a 3 on everything. It concluded that we did a satisfactory job, but a lot of people said there was room for improvement. I agree with the results, but I wish I really could've "wow'd" the crowd. I learned that I should really start my projects the very second that it becomes possible, or else I'll stress out and rush, and not go above and beyond because of that.


  1. I love this! it has a lot of pictures catching my attention. You also included great writing... Good job!

  2. I love you blog! You also got great writing skills! I also love you trailer and how our middle school age can relate!

  3. I like your blog and movie trailer! Its a great written story!

  4. Your blog is awesome. The color scheme matches. XD Hope you luck!
